China Glaze - I'd melt down for you.


 China Glaze - I'd melt down for you. Perfect description for for perfect shade. I melt down for this nail polish about several months.Story and answers was always the same "We dont have it anymore.Sold about hours ago.We can do order for you. Well, it going to be here for some days or so".And I wanted him so badly. I mean I want nail polish with foil effect. Nothing kinky or so.Then I found it.He was on the shelf waited for me like I was waiting for him.But my sometimes goofy temper makes me to walk out and I start to go from store to store and look from same China Glaze.Do I need to say that I haven't find it anywhere.He couldn't be there in that store,if he didnt sold already. Best are grabbed first.But my nail polish was there,waiting me for me.I have feeling like I have foil on the nails,who last couple days ago.I waited for this for such long time and this nail polish is something really special.

China Glaze- I'd melt down for you. I stvarno sam se topila za ovom nijansom laka nekoliko meseci.Uvek ista priča "Nemamo ga trenutno na stranju. Prodat je pre sat vremena.Možemo da ga naručimo. Da biće tu za nekoliko dana".A ja sam samo htela da imam nokte koji ima efekat folije. I najzad sam ga našla.Nije bio rasprodat,bio je tu na polici i čekao me je, kao što sam i ja njega.Onakva kakva jesam, optrčala sam ceo grad,iako je nešto što sam želela mesecima bilo tu nadohvat ruke. Čekalo me je samo da ga uzmem i odnesem sa sobom.Još luđa priroda u meni se probudila, pa sam idući kroz grad išla od prodavnice do prodavnice tražeći ovaj China Glaze. Naravno da ga nigde nije bilo.Osim možda tamo ako već nije, znate već odmaglio.Jer najbolji uvek prvi budu zgrabljeni.Ali moj lak me je čekao, jer valjda osobina najboljih je da povremeno istrpe ženske hirove. Zato su i najbolji.Imam osećaj kao da imam foliju na noktima, koja traje nekoliko dana.Čekala sam ovakav lak dugo, dosta,možda čak i previše. Ali sve što mogu da kažem je da je zaista poseban.

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  1. Such a beautiful beautiful color, Maja. I love those metallic silver shades so much. Love how you presented it. Hope you had a marvelous X-mas my dear friend. Wishing you a fantastic Sunday.

  2. Amazing shade!!!
    Happy Holidays darling!
    Kisses, Paola.


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