Dior Nude


I use Dior Nude about six years. In same color. I know, it sounds incredible,but things are like that.I haven't changed foundation all these years,for the reason there was no need.For me it is one of the products, that I can't imagine my routine. Irreplaceable one.Something like favorite song,movie or rule that orders your personality.Dior Nude in number 22 and me,seem we are like one.Somebody can say this too emotional when it comes to some products.Maybe, I don't want to deny that.Fatal introduction comes like every fatal introduction, without any plan or counsel. I stayed without foundation and urgently I needed new one.Before Dior Nude I used Dior foundations, but they didn't have that one I use. And I didn't want to wait.I saw Nude, then I tried it. Sniped entire the store, then I go outside to see how it looks on day lights.I wasn't sure is how it going to look on my face. I don't know why but, I decided, I am going to take it.I can talk about Dior Nude lot of things, permantions,coverege. But the truth is for me that foundation is the One.Last six years we are inseparable. Relationships,friendships or business deals last less much then we do.I am pretty sure that everyone of us have some similar product in life and that you wouldnt change it for anything. No matter are we talk about product who cost 5 $ or 50 $.There is no talking about scent or structure. Only words try it. That is story about my Nude.If you want some spicy story from our long term relationship,I can reveal with next words small amounts is all I need to be fulfilled.I am person who don't  have porcelain skin.About that secret,some other time.

Dior Nude koristim nekih šest godina. U istoj boji.Znam,zvuči neverovatno, ali tako je. Nisam menjala tečni puder svih ovih godina, jer nije nikad bilo potrebe. Za mene je to jedan od proizvoda bez kojih ne mogu da zamislim svoju rutinu i nezamenljiv je.Nešto kao omiljena pesma,film,izreka od koje ne odstupate.Tako smo Dior Nude u broju 22 postali kao jedno.Previše emotivan odnos prema puderu neko će reći. Možda.Fatalni susret, kao i svi fatalni susreti desio se slučajno.Pod hitno je trebalo da kupim tečni puder.Pre Dior Nude sam već koristila Dior pudere.Međutim tog koji sam stalno uzimala,nije ga bilo. Pogledala sam Nude,vrtela sam se.Probala,izlazila ispred radnje da vidim kako izgleda.Bila sam nesigurna kako će da deluje na mom licu. Ipak sam se prelomila i kupila ga.Mogu da pričam o performancama pudera, ceni, nijansi,pokrivenosti, ali prava istina je za mene je taj proizvod Taj.Poslednjih šest godina se ne razdvajamo. Trajemo duže nego veze,poslovni i ljubavni odnosi. Sigurna sam da svaka od vas ima jedan takav proizvod koji ne bi menjala nikada. Nije bitna cena da li košta 500 ili 5000 dinara. Jednstavno to je to bez čega ne možemo i tu je kraj svake priče. Tu se ne priča o sastavu,mirisu. Samo se prepruči uz reči "Nećeš se pokajati". Takav je moj Nude.Ako baš želite neku sitnicu iz našeg dugogdišnjeg odnosa,potrebna je mrvica da odradi sve što treba, a ja sam, pa da kažemo osoba sa zahtevim licem. Ali o toj tajni neki drugi put.

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  1. This is my colour <3 Very nice foundation:)


  2. Beautifull colour :D

  3. This is the best makeup ever! I wish it was cheaper :D


    Cury in the City
    Fashion Paris & Prague

  4. I agree with you: this foundation is amazing, I tried it and loved it, but unfortunately there is no right shade match for me there!

    1. That was something I always afraid of before I found this one.

  5. Great foundation...Its a must have..

  6. I'd love to try it! Dior must be nice)

  7. Jako mi se svidja tvoj opis, kao i fotografije! Odusevljena sam postom! Drago mi je sto si nasla ovakav jedan proizvod :) <3

    1. Hvala ti puno, valjda svi imamo nešto što samo nama odgovara i ne menjamo ga :)

  8. Great post - sounds like an amazing product!

  9. Hi dear !!
    I never use Dior's make up. Here in Brazil is too expensive.
    But the products must be amazing !!


  10. Sounds like a wonderful product. Thx for the review Maja)))


  11. Taj puder zvuci sjajno, drago mi je da si nasla proizvod koji ti toliko odgovara. Ja jos nisam nasla savrseni puder, stalno isprobavam nove ali nijedan nije dovoljno dobar. Post je odlican a i slike su ti super <3

    Valentina from fashionwithvalentina.blogspot.com

    1. Teško je da se nađe,ja sam svašta probala. Na kraju sam došla do zaključka da je puder individalna stvar i da tu nema ulogu ni cena ni ni brand, nego neki deseti faktor.Hvala ti :)

  12. This is so nice! I like it a lot.

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  13. Great color! Love it!
