For the first time I realized it is cold . On other side , when I think better , this was kinda of bonus . November with jumpers , jackets and sometimes flats . Scarfs instead shawl , milkshake with tropical fruits and chestnuts . Mix of everything. I know it is bit colder in the evening , but during day is really nice.
Po prvi put sam danas osetila hladnocu, ali kad bolje porazmislim ove temeprature su cist bonus. Novembar sa dzemperima , esarpama umesto šalova i milkšejkom od tropskog voća i kestenjem. Miks svega. Znam da su večeri hladnije , ali tokom dana je baš prijatno . Ustalom mi se jos uvek lepo provlacimo sa jaknama i tanjom garderobom , a to je baš lepo .
I wore : faux leather jacket : Unbrended /trousers : Tally Weijl / shoes Tally Weijl / bag : Tally Weijl / sunglasses : Ray-Ban / jumper : Amisu / ring : Tally Weijl .
Speak soon .