I got chance to from online shopping store Rosegal to try to get some clothes.Items would be delivered with DHL service.It is one of services for quick shipping worldwide.So Saturday night I spend choosing what should I take.I have finished very late. Dresses,tank tops were playing around when I take a book, which I bought that day. to clear all that .On Rosegal there is lot of nice.Tuesday morning has started with words of DHL dispatch rider, that my parcel is here.I would not tell truth if I say that I wasn't surprised.I was.Dress and palazzo pants were already here and they were wait to be delivered to my door.If I am not at home, he said he could visit me where I am and get me my parcel.Delivery is where are you at that moment.Since I was still at home I said I would wait it. Ten minutes later in my hands were dress and palazzo pants I ordered.
Online shopping stranica Rosegal dala mi je priliku da iskoristim DHL servis.Za sve one koji su manje upućeni, mada sumnjam da ima takvih,DHL servis služi brzoj dostavi stvari koje ste naručili preko interneta.Subotu uveče sam provela gledajući stvari na Rosegal sajtu. Puno lepih primamljivih odevnih komada, i bilo mi je teško da odlučim. Do kasno u noć sam gledala,a onda sam stavila stvari u virtuelnu korpu, isključila se i uzela novu fantastičnu knjigu koju sam tog dana kupila.Lagala bih kada bih rekla da nisam bila iznenađena,kada me je u utorak ujutru nazvao kurir iz DHL-a i pitao da li sam kući da bi došao da mi preda paket. Ukoliko nisam kući, on će doći tamo gde sam.Dostava tamo gde se nalazite u tom momentu.Najljubaznijim tonom sam rekla da sam kući,još uvek ne verujući da je sve stiglo, za tako kratko vreme. Kroz desetak minuta sam u rukama držala slatku belu haljina i nove palazzo pantalone.
Dress here
Pants here