A AApril favorites. Maybelline Color Whisper is currently one of my favorite beauty products.This one is in shade Oh la lilac.I love it much so I purchased tree more shaded.I liked this product on the first ball. It is soft, hydrates lips. One of products I am going to buy again in no matter shade I found, I think that tell all. I used Neutrogena scrub pink grapefruit almost every day and I love too. Good thing is when it comes to this product, it cleans everything. I seen changes after couple days of using. Pores becomes smaller and T zone looked different. I love... Coconut & Cream. I am going to say, after using this amazing bath feeling is like you spend half hour rolling in the cream.Smells perfect,bubbles are there and bonus it comes 500 ml.Batiste dry shapmoo it works perfectly. I dont know how, but it works and makes your hair clean again. Smells great. Defiantly worth every cent.Ebelin massage pad is fantastic thing who also saved me lot of money which I usually spend cotton balls. Spend and save in same sentence, I mean brilliant. And it works. I usually put scrub or what face bath, that is the way how I use it. Garnier Neo deodorant fantastic thing, it comes in tube,like cream. There is no white marks. You control how much goes out and how much is enough. Hydrate your armpit, but dont irritate them. L'Oreal total repair extreme conditioner. In last past month I used only this conditioner and it works. My hair is bleached, I was blond, trying to get more light hair. If you dont have time for mask after washing this conditioner is great, too and works.
Aprilski favoriti.Maybelline Color Whisper je trenutno moj omiljeni proizvod.Ovaj je u nijansi Oh la lilac.Imam jo[ tri nijanse.Kupujem ih kako ih nađem jer se brzo rasprodaju.Inače,ovo je bila neplanirarana kupovina koje me je ubrzo oduševila.Nisam znala pre toga ništa o karmninima Color Whisper.Uglavnom odlično hidrira kožu,nije težak za nošenje,više dođe kao lip balm.Ako kažem da mi nije bila bitna nijansa sledeća nijansa koju uzimam, jasno vam je o moje odušvljenje ovim proizvodom.Neutrogena scrub pink grapefruit je proizvod koji koristim takoreći svakog dana.Idealan je kad dan provedete pod punom,teškom šminkom, jer uklanja svaku nečistoću.Posle par dana upotrebe primetila sam smanjene pore i poboljšanje T zone. I love Coconut & Cream,samo mogu da kažem da posle upotebe ovog preparata imate osećaj kao da ste se valjajli jedno pola sata po šlagu.Može da se koristi kao gel za tuširanje ili kao kupka.Miriše savršeno,peni i dolazi u pakovanju od 500 ml, što je samo po sebi prednost.Batiste dry shampoo, sve ono što se priča o njihovim proizvodima potvrdio je ovaj suvi šampon.Ne znam u čemu je tajna,ali kosa koja nije baš najčistija, posle prskanja ovim suvim šamponom postaje čista.Miriše divno i zaista vredi uloženog novca.Garnier Neo deodorant kod ovog proizvoda mi se dopada što je u tubi.kremast,ne stvara iritacije i bele tragove.Nema neprijatnih iznenađenja kao što je izletanje iz tube.Lepo hidrira područije ispod pazuha što je bitno.Loreal total repair extreme conditioner sam koristila zadnjih par meseci. Nisam uzimala drugi regenartor jer je ovaj bio odličan.Još uvek je, ali sam rešila da napravim pauzu.Svakako ću ga opet kupiti.Da ne dužim moja kosa je blajhana,farbana.Pre par meseci sam počela da koristim ovaj regenerator i imam samo reči hvale za njega.Primetila sam da kad nemam vremena da držim maski, dovoljan je samo on.Ukoliko puštate kosu,zaobilazite makaze, ovoj prozvod je odličan.