Zaful shopping site


 I really like to browse online shopping sites.There are lot of reason for that,beside shopping.Finding inspiration,see new trends.You would be surprise that most on what is going to be trendy is almost always in little indication on shopping sites.Suede for example.One of places where I like to stop  is Zaful online store.I really spend lot of time there.Complete store is based on next,you can find everything from jewelry,shoes,clothes to lingerie.And they have really nice lingerie.Also this year trendy Pom Pom sandals are there with much better offer then in some stores.I already had shopping experience with Zaful,parcel is came for about two weeks.I was looking to for shoulder off dress and on the Zaful, I have found it. Much before it was all over shops.Beside every article you have measure sizes, that you can choose your size precisely.

Uživam u da obilazim online šoping sajtove. To je je jedno od mojih guilty pleasures.Puno je razloga zašto to radim, pored kupovine naravno.Traženje ili pronalaženje inspiracije,novi trendovi.Iznenadili bi ste se koliko se onoga što će biti traženo prvo u malim naznakama pojavljuje baš na šoping sajtovima.Tako je bilo sa prevrnutom kožom,popularnijom kao suede.Mada ne verujem da će iko da uđe u radnju i pita " Da li imate pantalone od suede",ali nikad se ne zna.Ali da se vratimo na temu,izvrunutu kožu sam navela kao primer.Jedno od mesta na koje volim da svratim je Zaful. Koncept ove online prodavnice je sledeći,na jednom mestu možete da nađete od nakita,cipele,preko donjeg veša do odeće za svaki dan.I zaista imaju dobar donji veš.Tu su i naravno sada toliko popularne Pom Pom sandale, sa dosta povoljnijom cenom.Ja već imam iskustvo sa kupovinom na Zaful sajtu.Paketić je stigao za oko dve nedelje.Tražila sam haljinu sa shoulders off detaljom.Tada ih nije bilo nigde.Obigrala sam internet i šire, a onda sam je našla baš na Zafulu. Pored svakog artikla su stavljene mere, tako da možete da izeberete precizno veličinu.

 Come to Zaful, there is plenty nice clothes.
Svratite na Zaful, naćićete puno dobre odeće. 

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  1. I heard about this site, they have awesome things!

  2. Great post!
    Zapraszam do mnie:

  3. Great post never herd of this site before

  4. Thanks a lot, my dear :D Yves Rocher is an amazing brand :D

    Great wishlits. I'm totally in love with bag, bomber and white shoes :D Perfect!

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    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  5. Such a nice selection, I love this shopping site

    Click to see my latest ootd
    Kisses, Isabelle

  6. Pierwszy raz jestem na twoim blogu i bardzo mi się spodobał :) czekam na więcej

  7. Dear Maja, I have to admit although I love online shopping like you I never shopped at Zaful. But I see they have obviously amazing stuff and it looks like it is a must to visit it :) Thanks for sharing and hopefully you had a wonderful weekend!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  8. what a lovely post my dear
    what a lovely wishlist
    simply love it!
    lovely :)
    with love your AMELY ROSE

  9. I love the bomber! so stylish!

  10. Great items!
    Xoxo, Victoria

  11. Great selection...I love those sandals :)
